Yeah! patch with Eryanti back =)
Love her sooo much!
haha...last 2 days go to geylang buy raya clothes...
at 10.30 am i think =) wah! so many people at geylang =)
wah! then shout hear shout there!Lelong lelong! one shirt
$15!!! two shirt $25!!! Lelong2!!!
hahaa....long time never go geylang.....haha..
iya! go first lady sunddenly saw this clothes very nice...white colour somemore
actually wanted to buy but no size M... hmmm...haiyo!
then today go geylang again...sialah! today my mom know that my E zlink lose...wah!
my mum feel so sad siah! always lose lose lose!! all need $$$$$ my mum said =(
feel so sad for my mum! =(then use coins to go geylang .....when reach to geylang we go to
wat ah the name??erm.... JOE CHEE complex i think...go first lady second chance all
don't have...all sold out..
haiya! then walk walk walk till 5.30 buy my new shirt and pants =)
then go home .....still don't have raya clothes sad sad =(